Sunday, November 8, 2015

Are petitions really worth it?

There have been a lot of petitions going around lately. I have had to ask myself are they really worth it? So we get a million signatures on a cyber piece of paper?  What does that mean?

Personally I do not think that it means a lot.  Everyone signing is in different areas and districts.  I think the best thing we can do for our industry is to contact our Senators and representatives and let them know how vaping has changed our lives.  Help them see how it has helped our economy.  When a vape store opens up it has helped fill a vacant space, thus the landlord is making more money. Many of these stores are privately owned, helping small business get started. Not to mention being able to buy products locally.

Another thing that is bad politically is the over exaggeration of some of these bills by the community. If I am understanding the latest one we need to act to move the grandfather date of ecigs. Yes this is very important as the newest things (most of our items) would then not be grandfathered in.  However it does not mean (from what i understand) that vaping would be "illegal" I have heard so many variations of the meaning behind this bill that I feel like I am playing the old rumor game.

The end of my rant. Become politically active and voice your opinion, just make sure you are going to be heard.

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