Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New law for Florida bans indoor vaping

Many are aware of this law and in some states this has already happened.

It started me thinking as some people make the trip up to Tallahassee to speak  their minds. I have watched videos of them and although I applaud them for standing up this is what I feel vaping needs in this situation.


Get together with others and decide on your topic. Practice what you will say and keep it brief.

I really don't think the government cares that vaping saved your life. The economy should be the main focus. Businesses will go under which will leave vacant spots in retail location, jobs lost, etc.

Speak about the popularity of conventions and how much they bring into the cities where they are held.

These are a few topics that  I never hear address.

Rant over :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nebox review

Basically I love this mod. Holds about 10 ml of juice and the battery life is great. The only down side is that the tank is plastic which means you are very limited with what you can vape. Most of the flavors I enjoy are citrus based so it is very limiting for me. It list at an affordable (for me) price so it is usually a go to device when  I am going out and don't want to worry about what  I carry.

Temp controlled for those who are into that.

Rebuildable atty (although that isn't my thing)

Well worth buying

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Vaping is like high school

Vaping is like a giant high school. With that begin said this is why I am so tired of this community lately.  We have a large group and it seems like everyone has turned into a bunch of immature high school students.

This group hates this group for some unknown reason.

This person said this about so and so.

I think people should think before they speak.

I used to enjoy vape meets in the Orlando area. Usually ended up talking with someone I didn't know before. Now I dread them. The stores do nothing to motivate me to come in. OK it can get expensive to buy food, but at least have water and something to munch on.

The meets are less and less organized and the people tend to stand in their own clicks pointing fingers at other people.

This has to stop and I can't figure out how to stop this train wreck.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Are petitions really worth it?

There have been a lot of petitions going around lately. I have had to ask myself are they really worth it? So we get a million signatures on a cyber piece of paper?  What does that mean?

Personally I do not think that it means a lot.  Everyone signing is in different areas and districts.  I think the best thing we can do for our industry is to contact our Senators and representatives and let them know how vaping has changed our lives.  Help them see how it has helped our economy.  When a vape store opens up it has helped fill a vacant space, thus the landlord is making more money. Many of these stores are privately owned, helping small business get started. Not to mention being able to buy products locally.

Another thing that is bad politically is the over exaggeration of some of these bills by the community. If I am understanding the latest one we need to act to move the grandfather date of ecigs. Yes this is very important as the newest things (most of our items) would then not be grandfathered in.  However it does not mean (from what i understand) that vaping would be "illegal" I have heard so many variations of the meaning behind this bill that I feel like I am playing the old rumor game.

The end of my rant. Become politically active and voice your opinion, just make sure you are going to be heard.

Vaping Grounds a true class act.

I had the great pleasure of going to a new shop on Saturday.  The Vaping Grounds.  First off it is a coffee / vape shop.  When you first walk in you see the pastries and coffee menu.  After you get a chance to look around you will see what a great class act this place is.

The employees dress up already giving it a very professional atmosphere.  Everything from the coffee area to juice bar is first class.

I think when this industry is so on the edge and many outsiders jump to give it a bad name, if more stores were classy like this one it would help change the attitude.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The party is over.

Well after months of planning the Orlando Convention is officially over.   I am very pleased with how this event went. Yes we hit a few bumps.  We tried to warn the hotel that the fire alarm was going to be an issue. Once it went off and we had to evacuate, we were allowed to let everyone in as quickly as possible, and they fixed the situation so that it didn't happen again.

I was expecting to hear a lot of complaining during this time, but everyone including the vendors seem to handle it well.

Space was of course an issue.  But trust me we looked all over Orlando and that was it.

Although crowded, I thought everyone had a great time and I have heard very little negative comments.

I am left wondering why people come if they just want free things.  Lets face it half the juice we get ends up to be something we don't like.

Isn't the point of these conventions to have some fun and see what products are available?

Anyway, I hope everyone is ready for April in Daytona because that one will be a lot bigger.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Orlando Vape Convention

As we are preparing the night before the convention, getting gift bags ready, and other odd and ends.  I am starting to wonder what people actually expect from conventions?  When I go  I enjoy looking at what is out there and new in hardware, seeing and tasting new juice lines.

What makes a convention a success?  We have 10,000 square feet and I think 30 vendors.  We tried hard to have a wide variety so that it isn't just juice vendors out there.  Space will be a problem as I know it will get clouded and crowded.

I hope everyone has a good time and the vendors have success.  This will be are first of many (hopefully) with the next big one in April.   I wish everyone luck and hope they have a good time.