Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New law for Florida bans indoor vaping

Many are aware of this law and in some states this has already happened.

It started me thinking as some people make the trip up to Tallahassee to speak  their minds. I have watched videos of them and although I applaud them for standing up this is what I feel vaping needs in this situation.


Get together with others and decide on your topic. Practice what you will say and keep it brief.

I really don't think the government cares that vaping saved your life. The economy should be the main focus. Businesses will go under which will leave vacant spots in retail location, jobs lost, etc.

Speak about the popularity of conventions and how much they bring into the cities where they are held.

These are a few topics that  I never hear address.

Rant over :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nebox review

Basically I love this mod. Holds about 10 ml of juice and the battery life is great. The only down side is that the tank is plastic which means you are very limited with what you can vape. Most of the flavors I enjoy are citrus based so it is very limiting for me. It list at an affordable (for me) price so it is usually a go to device when  I am going out and don't want to worry about what  I carry.

Temp controlled for those who are into that.

Rebuildable atty (although that isn't my thing)

Well worth buying